Unfortunately as in all boat voyages, there is usually a breakdown. Our breakdown happens to be an electronic one - the SIM module in the port pod drive, which controls the communication between the steering mechanism and the engine and without which the boat goes nowhere. No mere mortal can fix it (although some very talented ones here have been trying) because it is not a mechanical problem but a software glitch or circuit board problem. The only replacement module in all of North America was found in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin at the Mercury warehouse - but could only be shipped to Ontario after a 3-day process period as an international shipping job by UPS ground. That would mean extending our stay here another week at best. Sigh.

As an alternative to speed this up, we arranged for the new SIM module to be shipped to our home port in Jersey City (they could overnight it since it was with the US) and then we'd arrange to get it from Jersey City to the Manotick Ontario service center here overnight. We're working on that now. Salty Dog will be back in action as soon as this weekend if all works to plan!

Otherwise, we've been taking it slow this week or rather Salty has made us take it slow- she was tired of those 10-hour days. We took a bike ride one day to the town of Manotick (no shoulders on road for 9km!) to see the historic Watson's Mill and buy some butter tarts (pretty much, pecan pie tarts without the pecans). The Mill was fascinating - as it works pretty much as it did in the 1860's when it was built - grinding grain, and you can observe the mechanism in action. However, this was just heritage museum demonstration, unlike the mill works in Schaghticoke NY that were still a going business.

Manotick Village; Watson's Mill, street and river views.

Although we'd rather be on the water making progress (there is still plenty of summer left), being here and relaxing by the pool, practicing the drone maneuvers (we have a drone!), and using the Salty Dog gym, all make it like being in a remote summer house (tiny boat house) on the Rideau river with all the comforts of home.